8 types of smoothies that improve digestion

Pineapple, oats, avocado, pumpkin, kefir yogurt ... contain a lot of fiber, beneficial bacteria, soothe the intestines, reduce flatulence.

Dietary adjustments can improve stomach acid reflux, abdominal pain, bloating. Here are some suggestions for smoothies that are beneficial for digestive health.

Fruit yogurt smoothie

A healthy gut keeps the digestive system running smoothly. In addition to promoting a healthy immune system, the beneficial bacteria (probiotics) that live in the gut also aid in the digestion and absorption of nutrients. Eating fermented, probiotic-rich foods is a good way to improve digestion. Taking probiotics can help ease symptoms of Crohn's disease and irritable bowel syndrome, and improve constipation.

Yogurt smoothies rich in probiotics, high-fiber fruits and nausea-reducing ginger are suggestions for you.

Fruit yogurt is rich in beneficial bacteria and fiber. Photo : Freepik

kefir yogurt smoothie

Yogurt isn't the only probiotic-rich food you can eat to promote digestive health. There is also kefir - a fermented milk drink, which offers a lot of benefits. Not only can you drink it alone, but you can also make a healthy smoothie with fresh fruit. Thanks to the fermentation process, kefir is almost lactose-free so people with lactose intolerance can enjoy it.

Pineapple smoothie

One of the benefits of pineapple is its ability to promote digestion. Pineapple contains an enzyme bromelain, which can help break down food and reduce inflammation in the lining of the stomach. You can add some pumpkin seeds to add zinc to your pineapple smoothie. This drink is also beneficial when you want to lose belly fat.

Oatmeal smoothie

Many studies show that eating more fiber improves digestion and overall better health. Among them, oats are a good choice. A study published in the American Journal of Nutrition found that eating whole oats can increase the number of good bacteria in the gut. You can make a sweet oat smoothie with some chopped pears.

Pumpkin smoothie

According to the National Institutes of Health, if you have digestive disorders such as ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, or short bowel syndrome , you may be dealing with a decrease in zinc absorption. You can increase your zinc intake by eating more foods containing it. About 28 g of pumpkin seeds contain almost 40% of the daily value of zinc. Pumpkin smoothies are a good choice to support digestive health.

Avocado smoothie

Fatty fruits are high in fiber as well as essential nutrients like potassium. Potassium helps promote healthy digestive function by relaying signals from the brain to the muscles located in the digestive system. For a smoothie that soothes digestion, you can combine avocados, potassium-rich bananas with fiber-rich spinach and flaxseeds.

Avocado smoothie has high nutritional value. Photo: Freepik

Cashew and raspberry smoothie

This smoothie provides a dose of zinc and probiotics that aid digestion. Cashews are a good source of zinc and you can eat them whole and milk in smoothies. You can also add some raspberries to increase the amount of fiber for a more delicious drink.

Chocolate coconut banana smoothie

Combine probiotic-rich yogurt with some chocolate and coconut for a bloat-reducing smoothie.

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